Łącko Stowarzyszenie Łącka Droga Owocowa Śliwowica Łącka Łącko
Gmina Łącko Śliwowicy łąckiej Jabłko łąckie
wszystko o śliwowicy łąckiej ŁDO
Historia Łącka strona główna informacje o nas gospodarstwa turystyka w Łącku tradycja kontakt wszystko o Łącku i okolicach
This web site contains all essential information concerning the Association of Lacka Droga Owocowa. You can have a look at a brief history of this organization, familiarise yourself with its current condition and read about its plans for the future. Additionally, all farms of Lacka Droga Owocowa Association are presented on this web page.

In order to fully exploit the opportunities created by the Internet we also included rich gallery of astonishing pictures presenting the beauties of lacka nature: orchards in bloom, ripening fruit and photographs taken during numerous events.

Fruit growing in Lacko has been cultivated for many years. According to the historical sources, fruit growing became popular as early as in the 12th century. At that time dried apples were floated through the Dunajec River to the Vistula River and further to Gdansk from where they were exported to other European countries. Orchards in Lacko described as farm and parish gardens were also mentioned in the documents from the 16th century. In the 17th and 18th century, apple orchards in the area of Lacko were already extremely extensive. Documents from 1698 say that numerous peasants of this area were obliged to pick fruit from the orchards and deliver them within the framework of their corvee. The first orchard in Lacko was established by Herzog who in 1830 was a secretary of a private property in Lacko. But the development of professional orchards would have not been possible without the hard work of the local people. Also local rectors deserve acknowledgement as far as the development of orchards is concerned. Maciej Szaflarski was a priest who ordered that every engaged couple must plant at least 10 apple trees before their wedding. Another local legend says that a priest – Jan Piaskowy used to make his parishioners plant fruit trees as the penance for their sins.

Thanks to the microclimate of Lacka Kotlina, apples from this region have a unique flavour and smell. The majority of fruit from Lacko are usually extremely juicy and sweet-smelling. The shape of fruit depends on their type. Their colour is far more intensive then the colour of apples from different areas. The moulding of fruit is relatively small thanks to the unique microclimate and the layout of the land. Most of the orchards are located on the slopes with 15 degrees gradient what creates optimal temperature conditions. These apples contain so called “green mountain note” what means that their taste is more distinct.

On 18 October 2005, apples from Lacko were registered on a List of the Traditional Products (Lista Produktów Tradycyjnych). What is more, a petition to register apples from Lacko on a List of Products with a Protected Geographical Sign (Lista Produktów o Chronionym Oznaczeniu Geograficznym) was submitted to the Polish authorities who accepted it and on 2 July 2007 sent it to Brussels where it is now under consideration of the European Committee.

okolice Łącka